Everyone can use a little bit of extra side income but many have no idea where or how to get it. Many things have to be considered like time and skill. However if you have a little bit of artistic skill then you can get into the business of airbrush temporary tattoo service.
Don't let the word "business" demotivate you. Business in a simple sense means making money. So you can make money with your natural skill and since you will only operate on an individual basis (or 2 persons), there is no complex accounting involved. You just buy the things you need and go to where the crowds are. It could be parties, parades, events, rock concert, amusement park or even protests gathering.
Why do you need to follow a crowd? Well when a crowd gathers, usually it is for a common theme. So the sight of temporary tattoos emblazoned on their arms, it will show their camaraderie. A good thing about these type of crowd is how easily it catches on to the next person. To prepare yourself, it is a good idea to know what the event is all about so you can prepare some designs that are appropriate to the theme.
If you can contact the local organizer of any event, be it a local trade show or a theme park, then offer your service. You can negotiate a fee with the organizer so that you can offer the tattoo free for anyone attending their show. This usually works if visitors have to pay to get inside the event location so that they will not have to pay again. If it is a free event, then just ask for a permission to set up your booth and you can charge the visitors individually, based on the tattoo selected. The important thing is to make profit either way.

One of the best advantage of this service is that any generation of the family can enjoy your services, from the 5-year old to the 50-year old. Even an 80-year old would try to get it on their wrinkly skin. Remember there is no tattoo machine involved and no piercing to the skin.
So what do you need to start this business? Obviously we need to have an airbrush. There are many airbrushes available and there is no specific airbrush to be used on the human skin, so the airbrush that you will use is the same airbrush that artists use in their artwork.
The prices also varies between manufacturers and their intended use. If you're a beginner then get the medium-priced one. Don't get the cheapest model as you will lose a lot in terms of quality. That can mean losing potential clients when they see the artwork in low-quality. However do not get the most expensive type too as they are mainly for experts. You can buy them when you have become an expert too.
After you have decided which airbrush to buy, now you need to get its matching partner which is the air compressor. This is where the airbrush gets it force to spray the paint onto an object and in your case, the human skin. Basically there are 2 types of air compressors, the studio type and the industrial type. The industrial type is bulkier and makes too much noise. They are mainly for heavy-duty job like car painting while the studio type is smaller and quieter. For you, get the studio type.
Next on your shopping list will be the paint. If you have never worked with airbrushes before then you might want to order just a few colors first. You can however order in large quantity. Now you can practice as many times as your like. When you are ready then you can order a wide variety of colors. One word of advise though, do check that the paint is alcohol-based and also with your local health ministry to make sure they can be used on human skin.
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